Then she decided it would be fun to finger paint so she dipped her fingers and painted away! Those are some messy hands!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Some good old fashioned fun
Then she decided it would be fun to finger paint so she dipped her fingers and painted away! Those are some messy hands!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Fish Fry
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Hanging out
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm sorry mom...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
So my dad told me the real story about the flowers. When I was a teen, I told him one year I was too old for flowers. When he went to buy my mom flowers, he thought and said "nope, I'll buy Kathryn flowers anyway". So he put them in my room. I got home from school and found my mom's flowers and was so sad I didn't get any that I started to cry. So to make matters worse, my mom said "go to your room" so she wouldn't have to listen to me. I got upstairs and there were my flowers.
Sadly...when he told me this story, I do remember it!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Thank you dad!! L was so excited to get roses from grandpa.
Monday, February 11, 2008
It's clean up time
Here's what 80 pages looks like. 20 of them were from before Cropaganza. I just hadn't put them away. That's my next project.
I got L a cute tshirt that says "Scrapbook Model". She loves it! She wore it last night and today. Too funny.
She and I are both fighting colds. I think I'm going to head off to bed early tonight. Hopefully I'll be much better tomorrow.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Cropaganza is officially over.
My official count of work was 60 12x12 scrapbook pages and 2 minibooks. Not bad for me :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Staying up late!!
Live from Cropaganza!!
More later!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I love food and books
Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate. If you like cherry chocolate flavor (and I do), this soda is wonderful. Zero calories.
Sun Chips makes cinnamon flavored chips. Yum! 100 calorie Nutter Butter bars..looked good. So did the Quaker mini rice cakes in Cinnamon Streusel.
Food I've bought recently that I love? Skinny cow (ice cream cones or sandwiches...both too good to be true) and the frozen paninis. A great sandwich for less than 300 calories. Oh! and South Beach Cherry Almond Granola. A little messy, but tasty.
I love to read. This month's book club book is U.S. for Arugula. I voted for this book and was excited to read it. While it's not a bad book, I'm not feeling the love. I will finish it, but anyone have a good book suggestion? I want fiction and something I can get lost in. The last book I read like that was 1000 Splendid Suns.
I'll be posting on location from Cropaganza this weekend. Look for some blog highjacking of Jill's blog!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I have lost count as to how many snowfalls we've had this year. It snowed about 3-4 inches last night. Not enough to close school, but it was a little slow going this morning. By mid afternoon, the sun had melted some of it off. Looking forward to the 50's this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend, in less than 48 hours, Jill and I will be at Cropaganza!! Two days of scrapping!! I am so excited!! I have so much to do. We'll be posting on location this weekend.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Pei Wei Rocks!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Bowl Sunday
The best commercials? Here's our picks. T: (Danica Patrick)...go to the web site. Funny commercial. Jeff and Kurt: T Mobile's "Hi Chuck". Mine? Sobe's lizard and girl dancing to Thriller. I also liked the Bud Light commercials.
Hope you enjoyed the game.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Just in Time
L has been wanting to make snow angels for weeks. Two seconds out the door and she was on the ground. Go L!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Laura's Spicy Tortas
I doubt we'll be back there anytime soon. We were the only gringos there. We definitely felt a little out of place.