Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cereal for Dinner, Cake for Dessert

I just finished reading this book last week (while camping).  It's written by Laura McKnight and I thought the title and cover looked interesting when my friend Betsy posted it.  Well, lo and behold, the book is written by my good childhood friend's sister.  And it was hilarious to read. Especially all the parts reflecting on childhood.  I laugh because Laura was just older enough that she was mystifying but I didn't really know her.  Her book is well written and discusses that we "just need to be myself".  I forget that often.  I'm always trying to fill every other role that's put before me, but in order to be happy, I need to remember myself.  Oh, and cake is very good to eat!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Thank you so much! What a small world! If you have friends in Kansas City, let them know about the June 26 book event at Unity Temple on the Plaza, sponsored by Rainy Day Books and Her Life magazine. Love your blog! Laura