Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My New Journey

I have made May 29, 2013 as the beginning of my journey to a healthier me. A combination of diet (weight watchers online), regular exercise and stretching. I've tried these things before and sometimes succeed and sometimes fail. And I'm tired of frequently "starting over" so there is no more starting over, just keep going.
To keep myself accountable, I've decided to make Wednesdays "weight loss Wednesday" where I weigh in and post a picture of the scale. I know there aren't many of you following me, but I feel this is a great way to say, I'm accountable. When I reach for the extra cookie, I'll think twice.
So here goes my starting weight:

194.2. Obviously, I had not drank coffee and the picture is sideways. Oh well. Here I go!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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