Saturday, July 13, 2013

Titan 10K

I ran the 10K Sun Scorcher this am. It was hot, hot, hot. My time was nothing to do jumping jacks 80 minutes) but I had a great run and I'd thought I'd share why.

I haven't been training so I knew I wasn't going to run fast. Last year, I ran it and I was miserable. I was a little worried this am because I ate salty Mexican last night and that's not normally a good thing. But for today's sweaty run, it worked well. I brought my water bottle so I wasn't dehydrated.

I put my tunes on and started off at 7am. And then a thought occurred to me: run a mile for one of my "kids" who can't. So I picked one child for each of the six miles and ran knowing they can't run. It was a great motivating idea. I finished strong and was glad I ran this am.

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