Monday, December 4, 2017

(Backup) A Week of Shenanigans

So Caturday is a day late again. Sorry about that. The girls have been up to all sorts of craziness this week. They have played with the tree and ornaments. I’m about to put the tree skirt away. I come downstairs every morning and have to fix it. Sigh. 

They have a WWF daily. Several rounds. 

They are in cahoots together. This day, I came out in the morning to find a fortune cookie in its wrapper. It was on the kitchen table the previous night. I put it up on the railing to take downstairs and went to the bathroom. While I was putting my contacts in, I heard a wrapper. I looked out and AJ was on the railing and knocked the cookie and wrapper off so Scully could play with it. 

But this photo warms my heart to pieces. They love each other so much!!

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