Sunday, March 4, 2018

Caturday 3/3/18-what’s new!

So there’s a lot of new going on in our house! Too many photos for one post so I’ll break it down. 

Scully has been coming downstairs for a few months. AJ has finally broken down her walls and started exploring when the dogs are in the house! 

Here she sits in the evening. Everyone is ok-she’s happy, Oreo isn’t miffed...

...until she comes up in his face. Then he starts shivering!   This has been going on for a couple weeks and now everyone does pretty well. 

Lucy doesn’t seem to mind any of it. Oreo got tired of AJ walking in front of him multiple times so last night he gave her a gentle bite on the tail. Pissed AJ off, but then they were fine lol! 

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