Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Political Post

Now you know me. I am not one to put my political views on my blog. But something happened this week that has bothered me all week so I hope by airing it, I'll be able to move on.

Last Sunday, an OB/GYN was assassinated. Dr. Tiller has practiced in Wichita for decades and happens to perform a controversial procedure, abortions. And he has always believed in what he does. And for his belief, he was murdered by a disgraceful man.

I'm not sure what bothers me the most. I haven't decided if it's because I'm a PA and one of our people has died. Or if it's because we have lost someone who performed a specialized service. I think I'm mad because this man was killed in his church. A place that is supposed to be sacred. All of the pro lifers who hate Dr. Tiller claim to be Christians. And yet, one of them kills another man IN HIS CHURCH. I know so don't start, he's crazy and not to blame the rest of the do gooders. And I don't. Everyone makes their own choices in life. Dr. Tiller chose to provide health care to women. Scott Roeder chose to kill Dr. Tiller. We all make choices. Interesting concept since abortion is a choice.

I happen to be pro-choice. It doesn't mean I've had an abortion (I haven't). It doesn't mean I would want an abortion (because I don't). It means I get a choice in my health care, just as every other woman gets a choice. Isn't that what America is about? Freedom and choices.

I commend Dr. George Tiller for practicing medicine every day. I commend him for believing in his cause. I commend him because he never quit just because his life was threatening daily. He believed women deserved a choice in their care and was willing to stick up for them.

Many people say Dr. Tiller will go to Hell for his ways. I wonder though, if you get murdered in church, shouldn't that give him an automatic ticket to Heaven? I think so.

1 comment:

Bets said...

Thanks for posting this.

Well said.