Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Camping at Fall River 2011

Camping at Fall River was wonderful. The weather was great. Cool and cloudy on Saturday and Monday and hot on Sunday. Perfect for relaxing and then perfect for the kiddos to go swimming.

Helen was the youngest of the campers at a mere 8 months old. She stole the show. The kids fought over who was going to play, feed and lay with her. She's such a happy baby.
On Sat. afternoon, we went fishing. The kids didn't catch anything...it was a little windy. But we had a great time.
L and Helen hanging out.
L eating tons of strawberries. She could live on that fruit.
Dan wanted to teach L to ride her bike without training wheels. She did pretty well, until it came time to put her feet on the pedals. She couldn't get the hang of looking forward instead of looking at her feet. So she asked to have the trainers put back on. I think with some practice, she'll be back at Dan's house in a couple months with the trainers off.
It was such a relaxing weekend. I think we've done this so many times that camping feels effortless. I love that feeling!! We had great meals and smores by the fire every night. We watched "How to Train Your Dragon" with the projector and screen. I got a little reading in and slept great. What a fun weekend.

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