Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Marble Chart

This summer, at the suggestion of a friend, we embarked on the marble chart. There are three categories: how to earn marbles, privileges to use marbles on and how you lose marbles. The goal is to teach children they are responsible and need to earn things without putting a money value on it. I have to say it worked really well. There was a lot of crying in the beginning, but after a few days, she caught on.

You can clearly see how you lose marbles :(.

Privileges included: watching tv, playing on the computer, getting a pop or dessert. The list goes on.

Earning marbles: feeding the dogs or guineas, brushing teeth, making bed, helping mom or dad around the house.

I've very happy we did it. We've stopped since school started. She's doing well and life is so busy that there's not much idle time. But I kept the lists and we'll do it again next summer.

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