Saturday, August 16, 2014

Today's Run

Today I had 7 miles on schedule. I've worked out four days this week already and I was beat. But I told myself if I would finish this run, I'd sleep in tomorrow and take a rest day.

I set my alarm for 5:45. My goal was to get up, eat breakfast and drive to Sedgwick Co Park. I was going to run 5 miles and then go to the market. I had several things to buy. I needed to drop my van for new front brakes (blech) and I'd run home (2 miles).

My alarm went off...and I slept in until 6:30. But I got up, dressed, went to the market and then ran 4.8 miles. I drove home, dropped off my food and headed to the brake place. I ran/walked 1.75 miles home.

The bad part? It was 74-80 degrees while I was running. I hate running in the heat. But I did it. And I'm proud of myself for getting my miles in and planning ahead on how to get everything all done. I may not be a fast runner, but I persevere. And now, I don't have to workout until Monday morning.

- Kat

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