Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekly Chase:June 15th Edition

Last week flew by! Here's a recap:

1. Run a mile a day. Yes!!!!
2. Stretch daily. I did this four days. I can tell if I don't. My back is feeling much better
3. Make a to do list daily. Yes! I feel more productive when I make a list.
4. Write in my planner daily. Yes! I'm enjoying this. Gives me a history of what happened.
5. Get the guest room cleaned. Yes! Did it Sunday (totally procrastinated) but got it done. One bag of trash and two bags to donate.
6. Eat clean 80% of the time. I think so. I tried to keep track in my planner.

This week's goals:
1. Run a mile every day. Keeping up with my streak.
2. Stretch daily. I want to prevent injuries.
3. Make a to do list daily. I have so much to get done. I need to stay on task.
4. Write in my planner daily.
5. Pack and finish planning for our upcoming trip. I'm excited but have lots to do.

- Kat

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