Monday, December 13, 2010

12 Days Til Christmas

It's 12 days till Christmas and I'm going to do a 12 part series (that's a challenge in itself-can I blog that often). So stay with me and see if I get it done!

The house is decorated, the tree is up. There aren't any lights on outside (poor Jeff spent the weekend grading and finishing his master's classes). The gift list has been made and a few gifts have been bought. I'm planning my strategy for the upcoming days. Today, not much will be done, we have a WSU basketball game to attend. I've given up on the thought my Christmas cards will be out early...I'm thinking somewhere between Christmas and New Year's will work.. And it's all good. In 10 days my parents will arrive-that's my real present.


chitknit said...

We, too, have a tree up and lit, but no lights outside. The only really nice weekend day, I had to be at school and Adam had to work. Sadly, I don't think we'll have outside lights this year.

Kathryn said...

Me neither. We will see what this weekend brings, but I doubt it