Monday, March 5, 2012

Season in Lent

As we all know, Ash Wednesday was 12 days ago.  L and I started going to church at the beginning of January (part of my discipline program).  We went to two churches and in the second one, found a good home.  We've been going to Calvary Methodist.  We love it because there are lots of kids and we love Pastor Greenwood.  He's awesome and makes newcomers feel right at home. 

So fast forward to Lent.  I sat for a couple days at the beginning about what I should give up for Lent.  I researched some about why one is supposed to give something up for Lent.  The purpose is to sacrifice something as Jesus sacrificed for us and spend time pondering this.  So I decided to give up Twitter.  And you know what?  I've really enjoyed it.  I love Facebook because it's less time consuming and those people I converse with are friends.  But Twitter is purely social media for me.  And time consuming.  Since I've given up Twitter, I feel like I have more time that I devote to my family.  I use the time to meditate and enjoy the silence.  The funny part was, I went to Twitter last week to see what was going on with the school board meeting on school boundary changes and after sifting through it all, I realized I could easily wait until the next morning and got up to play with L and Jeff.  I'm not sure I'll go back to Twitter after Easter. 

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