Friday, December 21, 2012

Weight Loss Journey

So I've deferred posting about my journey because I hate posting about wanting to lose weight, then I start a diet and fail within a couple weeks.  But now, I feel confident I will keep my journey going.

At the end of September, I decided to join Weight Watchers...again.  This is the third time I've joined in.  But when I started, I felt like I would stick with it this time.  One: I've been following the blog "Runs For Cookies" and she had recently joined WW again and was discussing all the benefits.  Two: I just finished reading "Weight Loss Boss" by CEO of WW.  It's a well written book that I would highly recommend.  But it was the last point that made me get started.  I don't have high blood sugar, my cholesterol and blood pressure are normal, so it's hard to be motivated to lose.  But I went online and got my BMR.  And it was 31.3.  Yipes!!  Normal is 25 or less.  I was overweight and heading to obesity if I didn't change my ways.

So I joined.  And it was hard.  Not the counting part, but the not eating everything in the kitchen hard.  But after a few weeks, it got easier.  And now, it's just second nature.  I have an app on my phone and the website is tagged on my computer.  I'm not a role model for eating a great diet.  I eat the same breakfast Every. Day.  Because I love it and it fills me up until noon.  I eat the same lunch almost every day.  It's easier than trying to figure out how many points this and this has.  And I like my lunch.  I eat so many more veggies and fruit than I use to.  My favorite snack: carrots with salsa (no PP). 

And slowly but steady, the weight is falling off.  In three months, I've lost 15 pounds.  Some weeks, it's 1/2 pound.  Last week it was 3 pounds.  And I'm okay with whatever it is.  Once I lost the first 6 pounds, I didn't worry that I would never lose weight.  The biggest change?  I don't eat when I'm not hungry.  I don't eat because I'm upset. Or stressed. Or bored.  And that is a huge hurdle that I've been able to overcome.  And I feel so much better not eating junk all the time.  And when I eat a not so good for me meal or two in a day, I don't feel like I failed.  I just think tomorrow is a new day.  I'll eat more fruits and veggies tomorrow and I follow through. 

I'll continue to update my journey (because it's not just getting to goal, it's the process).

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