Monday, January 21, 2013

Book Breakup

I love to read.  I often have book hangovers, which is when you finished the book, but you can't get your mind out of it.  It's nice to enjoy books like that although it takes me a few hours to get over it. 

On the opposite end, I have book breakups.  It doesn't happen near as often (thank goodness).  I try to give a book 50 pages and if I'm just not into it, then I'll quit.  I realize it takes time to understand and relate when there are multiple characters. 

My last breakup was yesterday.  I've been reading a book called, "The Heart Broke In" by James Meek.  I'm sure it's a good book for some people, but not me.  First, the plot starts in London.  I'm not a fan of British plots.  Then there are too many characters and it takes forever to figure out how they are related to each other.  I'm 150 pages into this 400 page book and all I can think of is, "this book is taking forever and isn't fullfiilling".  So last night I decided I'd vested enough interest in it and I didn't want to finish it so we broke up.  I'm feeling a little guilty, but it too will pass.

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