Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Word of the Year: Simplify

Happy New Year!!  Another year has passed, another year full of hope.  I hope 2013 is a good year.

My word for the year is Simplify.  I feel I do too much multitasking and time wasting and not enough time to stop and look what's around me.  Just like many of us, we spread ourselves too thin. I'm applying simplify to work, home, and businesses.  I want to get back to the time when life was more simple.

My 2013 goals support my word of the year.  They include:

1. Take breaks from social media.  While I love Facebook, Pinterest (and sometimes Twitter), sometimes I spend way to much time checking updates.  So on a daily basis, I will check sites less often and go on 2-3 day breaks periodically.

2.  Keep up my long runs.  This goal is to continue to keep me healthy as well as to allow my brain much needed quiet time.  It's out in the country when I'm running that I really appreciate life.

3. Purge one room per month.  We have TOO MUCH STUFF.  It's everywhere.  There's so much stuff  sometimes we can't find what we need.  L has more toys than she could ever play with.  It's a lofty goal, but if I get it accomplished, I should be done by October.

4. Bake more.  Another hobby I would like to pursue.  One that will require more patience and allow me to spend quality time with L.

5. Have more patience.  I find when I'm not simplifying (multitasking too much),  I lose my cool more often.

6. Control my anxiety.  Anxiety is created by living in the future and I'm determined to spend more time in the present.

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