Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020: A New Year and a New Decade

Wow!  What a year 2019 was.  I became an ultramarathoner, ran the Chicago marathon and felt like I was running all the time!!  Which is good, but also, I felt like I put other things on the back burner.

I'm going to continue to run but don't have any plans for a race this spring.  My goals this year are to focus on improving my self discipline.  There are some things that come easy to me (like my job) but others which are hard and I choose not to address them (like my nutrition, cluttered home, etc). 

I'm going to try to be more diligent about posting here.  One of my 2020 goals is to minimize my social media time.  Some times it's fantastic, and I enjoy sharing my life with others and see what others are doing, but as we all know, it can be a horrible time suck.  So I want to work on improving this. 

My general goal posts (so you know when to read and when to avoid if you don't like my topic)

Monday: Metal Monday-I'm going to work on re-capping my races from 2019 and discuss running related topics.

Tuesday: Time to Cook!- I will be talking about what we are eating, my goals in cooking and include a recipe.

Wednesday: What's Up with the Welches: some may be re-capped.  We are not the most exciting family lol

Thursday: Time to Read!-I will discuss what I'm reading, what's on the TBR list, etc.

Friday: Recap the Week!-Discussing my fitness this week.

Saturday: Caturday.  Because my girls are adorbs and this is the easiest post for me to do!

Sunday: rest. 

I want 2020 to be a productive year.  It's time for me to take charge of life and not let it slip away!

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