Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Girly Day

Yesterday I had a great girly day. I started my morning off by getting a pedicure. For me, this is one of my favorite pleasures in life. I love how beautiful the lady makes my toes. Then I walked two doors down and got my hair cut and colored. And I read a great book while my hair was "cooking". I came home and Jeff, L and I went to Mediterranean Grill for lunch. I love their fattoush salad and hummus with warm pita bread.

Then I went with Kasey and Twila to watch a matinee of "Sex and the City". It was a great movie. No spoilers have to see it for yourself. The girls were great and it was exactly what I wanted.

Sometimes a girl needs this kind of day. Although I wasn't home much, it sure makes me appreciate Jeff and L even more.


Bets said...

I'm in the middle of watching the end of Season 6, so I'm ready to go see the BIG movie!

I've heard great thing so far, which only makes me want to see it more. Thanks for not spoiling anything for those of us that haven't gone yet! :)

Chris said...

I went to see the SATC movie Sunday night. It was awesome! Can't wait for the next least I hope there's a sequel.