Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Need coffee...

Do you ever have a bad night of sleep that you wished you'd just stayed up all night so you could have been productive? Jeff got in late (11pm) from Nashville last night. We visited for a bit and L was wired. I set my alarm way too early, so I kept hitting the snooze bar and when I finally got up, I felt I'd only slept 3 hours (it was actually 6 1/2). I have a headache and need some ibuprofen and coffee badly. I should have stayed up and done some scrapping!


Jaime said...

I only slept about four hours last night. I pulled weeds at 5 a.m. like a big dork, at least it wasn't hot then. I'm starting to fade now.

Amy D. said...

If it weren't for Kyle, I think I'd just stay up all night and sleep during the day. At night, Noah is waking me up about every 1.5 - 2 hours. That just causes me to be grumpy and have a headache. During the day he takes a couple good 3-hour snoozes (often in the swing).