Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We had a nice 4th of July. The weather was great. Not too hot and no rain.

We started the morning off by going to the Old Manor Parade. It's a nice, simple parade. We didn't get many pictures because the camera battery died. I loved the politicians.
We had wonderful meals. Lunch included cold fried chicken and baked beans. Supper was steak, twice baked potatoes and corn on the cob. L LOVES corn on the cob. She ate all of hers and half of her dad's.
After dinner, we walked over to the neighbors and shot off a few fireworks. L really loved the sparklers. She repeatedly asked for them. Too bad because we didn't buy many since she didn't like them last year. One thing we did get lots of were poppers. L thought they were great. She can't throw them well, so she resorted to stomping on them to make the "pop".
I have lots of cool fireworks pictures, but alas, blogger cut me off on pics. Here's an awesome one with my Canon. I'll post some others tomorrow. Have a great night!


Bets said...

I bought several boxes of poppers, too. Jill, Adam, Mitzi and I had probably as much fun as L popping them all over the patio (and each other) tonight! I don't think you're ever too old for those things!

chitknit said...

Love the sparkler photo.

Adam and I pool partied this year, only it was at Mitzi's apartments. We grilled on their grill, too. We missed our usual, traditional Jeff, Kat and L Fourth festivities.