Monday, January 31, 2011

Book Report: 365 Thank Yous

Wow. One month down and I have made 31 posts and read 4 books. Awesome! Hope I can keep it going.

365 Thank Yous is written by John Kralik. He's an ordinary lawyer who had several bouts of bad luck (wives, practice, etc). He is down in the dumps, almost suicidal when a thought comes to him to be thankful. And to do so, he begins writing thank yous to people. It takes him 15 months to accomplish his goal. He starts off by writing thank yous for his Christmas gifts and then moves on to each time someone does something good, he writes them a thank you...clients who pay their bill. Ex wife for hosting a great birthday party for their daughter. In return, he gets tons of thank yous back and he become more grateful.

While the story is true and a little hokey at times, I do see the benefit of writing thank yous. Of course, I was raised that you write thank yous for your gifts. But sometimes it's nice to send a thank you out of the blue. And maybe to someone you don't really like, but want to bring attention to something good they did.

Overall, I liked the book and would recommend it to others.

1 comment:

Bets said...

I don't make much time to read, but this one sounds good! I'll put it on my summer reading list.