Friday, September 2, 2016

Fitness Friday Sept 2

Wow! It's September already!!!  I hope this means cooler mornings to run in.  I don't like it dark but I gotta take what I can get.

Friday: a quick run around the neighborhood

Saturday:  I ran at 0530 with the Moms Run This Town (MRTT) group.  We did a RAVE (Runners Against Violence Everywhere) downtown and then my friend Stephanie and I ran another 3 mile loop to get our long run in.

Sunday:  It was a busy weekend for me so I just kept my mileage low on Sunday.

Monday:  dark o thirty.  That's when I run.  With my Tracer 360 and my feet running lights.  It was so humid this morning!

Tuesday: I joined the ladies for a group run and walked.  I sure do enjoy socializing while I run!

Wednesday: back around the 'hood for a run

Thursday: I was going to run with friends, but L wanted help with her hair, so I helped and then ran solo.

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