Saturday, July 14, 2007

6 pounds!

This year, I am really trying harder to be in better shape. I've been exercising 5 days a week. Three days of cardio, two of weight lifting. And in 3 months I have seen some differences. I can now hold L anytime and my arms don't ache. I can run the bases in softball without feeling like I'm going to die. I got bored (and sick) so I took about 4 weeks off from exercising. It was nice, but when I started back this week, I forgot how much I loved to sweat and exercise. It feels great at 7 am knowing I've done my jogging for the day.

And so...I've lost 6 pounds. One might think that's not much (me), but Thursday I did something great. I wore a shirt and pants to work. Tucked the shirt in and wore a belt. I haven't worn a belt since before L was born!! I'm so happy. My credit goes to my friend, Terri and The Beck Solution. That is one awesome book!!!

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