Thursday, July 12, 2007

Reggie is outsmarting me

For several weeks, Reggie has been peeing in unapproved areas, mainly in front of my closet on the floor. I have been furious with her. I asked the vet and they recommended I have her checked for a urinary tract infection. 64 dollars later, she's infection. So there was a small thought that Reggie was peeing because I hadn't paid much attention to her. I feel bad. Since L's been here, Reggie's taken a back burner.

At the same time, my parents were in town and my dad bought Reggie a new brush. She loves it!!! In fact, she got brushed so much the first day, she has a couple bald spots. For 10 days, she peed in the box. I thought she'd need a break from the brushing since she was a little bald, but apparantly I waited too long. She peed on the floor. So Tues and tonight I got the brush out and you could see Reggie's eyes light up. So I guess we'll have regular brushing dates.

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