Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Challenge

I am still not very motivated to go back to the gym. So here's my challenge and Jill's going to join me.

This challenge starts August 5 and runs for 12 weeks (ending around Nov. 3)

In 12 weeks, you have to accomplish the weekly goal 10 times.

Weekly goal: 5 days of exercising. 3 days of cardio, 2 days of strength training (i.e.weights)
2 exercise sessions need to be 45 minutes (or longer)

Cardio is any combo of walking, running, biking, etc.
Strength is weights of some sort (muscle pump class counts)
The 45 min. sessions can be a combo of strength and cardio (i.e. 30 min. strength and 15-20 cardio) but the session only counts as one strength session.

My reward: a massage at Healing Waters.

One week off and then the fun begins!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hi there! Congrats on your workout plan. Sounds tough. I've been swimming a mile three times a week at the Y with my husband. If you ever decide to try out the lap lanes, let me know!