Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Freaky Friday (even though it's Saturday)

Since Kat and L are at my place, I've hijacked their blog to tell you about our day.

First thing this morning, we checked out the Dunes. L got her photo taken with the moo that's painted all crazy out in our "yard."

Then, she chilled at the pool for a minute.

Then, she hit the clubhouse for a little "fitness" time.

Then, she tried on Adam's Cubs hat. (Adam wanted her to tell her Daddy that she was wearing it since the Dodgers are, um, done.

Much later in the evening, we decided to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. But, alas, even the Cheesecake Factory didn't satisfy this two-and-a-half year old.

She went for the Clifford cereal we bought at Wild Oats while we waiting for a table.

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