Tuesday, September 30, 2014

3D Lashes

The older I get, the more girly I get. I used to wear a minimal amount of makeup and would half ass curl my hair. Now that I'm almost (40-shh), I take more time. I dry my hair, style it and flat iron it. I wear all kinds of makeup including eye liner and mascara. My lashes are kind of duds. They don't curl well but I like the look of mascara. So you may have heard of a new product called 3D lashes. You use a gel, then add fibers and top it off with the gel to seal it and poof! You have lashes.
Here's one eye done (the left):

And both eyes:

It's pretty cool (and hard to get a good photo). And they are easy to use. They're a keeper.

- Kat

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