Saturday, September 27, 2014

Why I Run

I am asked many times "why do you run?" Many people think I'm crazy to run 10+ (heck 5+) miles. Many people think I run just for cardio and burn calories. And while that's all true to some extent, there are other reasons why I run.

I run to see beautiful sunrises. Nothing centers me like seeing the sun change the sky into beautiful colors.

I run because it's awesome to have the open road before me. I love running in the country where I can escape the craziness of life.

I run to listen to my jams. To be all by myself. There isn't much time in the day where I'm not in charge of something/one and when I run, I am relieved of all those duties. Running is definitely my meditation.

I don't run to fall flat on the side walk and scrape up my knee. First time for me. Happened at a major intersection where many people had stopped to wait for the traffic. Talk about embarrassing. But I shook it often and finished strong.

- Kat

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