Monday, October 10, 2016

Weekly Chase: Week 41

Another week in the books.  It's been eventful.  On Friday, L slammed her second toe on the left foot in the front door.  She said it hurt really bad (which I thought it would).  We were resting that night any way.  The next morning she woke up when I got up to say she hadn't slept well because of the pain.  I had to take Oreo and Lucy to the vet for their annual appt.  They passed their exams (although Lucy needs a teeth cleaning).  When I got home, I took L to the ER and the nice physician gave her Lortab which made the pain go away (thank the Lord!!).  He felt her toe was broken, buddy taped it and put her in a shoe cast. 

So I cancelled dance for Saturday and she chilled out this weekend.  Sunday, I went and cheered my friend Vanessa on to her first full marathon.  That was a lot of fun!!  It's nice being on the other side!
L was feeling better so we got mani/pedicures (not rubbing on that toe).

I found out today it's not broken.  It probably got jammed.  So we are keeping up with the treatment and hopefully she will be back to dance soon!

Onto the weekly chase!

1. Run a mile a day:Yes!!  I finished Day 505!!

2. Stretch and ice daily: 1/2 the time 

3. Pray daily: Yes

4. Read daily: Most days.  I'm reading two books 'Untethered' and 'Beck's Diet Solution'

5. Log my calories daily: Yes.  And I have been working on my macros (more on that this week)

6. Finish a book: No

7. Journal every day:80% of the time

8. Make a running plan-no but I am close to getting that done

This Week's Goals. I'm keeping them the same

1. Run a mile a day-gotta keep up my streak!
2. Stretch and ice daily-and foam rolling.  These things make me feel better!
3. Pray daily
4. Read  daily
5. Log my calories daily-I am determined to start focusing on using food as fuel and not fat.
6. Journal every day-to help keep me accountable.
7. Make a running plan for my next two 1/2 marathons

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