Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekly Chase: Week 44

What a whirlwind week!!  I went to Vancouver, BC Canada Wednesday through Saturday for CNS conference.  It was a good conference-lots of good information about migraines, Zika virus and more! The weather was a little chilly-in the 50's.  I got home Saturday evening, chilled out and went to bed early.  Sunday, I ran my second 1/2 marathon in a month.  It was the Air Capitol 1/2 marathon.  I'll talk more about it later.  Nap and chili rounded out the day!

Onto the weekly chase!

1. Run a mile a day:Yes!!  I finished Day 525

2. Stretch and ice daily: not while I was gone

3. Pray daily: Yes

4. Read daily: Most days. 

5. Log my calories daily: Most days

6. Finish a book: No

7. Journal every day: No, I was bad about this.

8. Make a running plan for my next two halfs: no

This Week's Goals. I'm keeping them the same

1. Run a mile a day-gotta keep up my streak!
2. Stretch and ice daily-and foam rolling.  These things make me feel better!
3. Pray daily
4. Read  daily
5. Log my calories daily-I am determined to start focusing on using food as fuel and not fat.
6. Journal every day-to help keep me accountable.
7. Make a running plan for my next two 1/2 marathons

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