The funniest part of the visit was this conversation. The doctor asked her if she had any friends and she said yes. He asked her who were her friends. Her first reply, "daddy". He asked again. She says, "Haley and Ditto". He looks at me puzzled at Ditto's name. I'm no help since I'm laughing hard and muster out, "that's our dogs!" Oh well...she did go on to say her other friends. That girl cracks me up.
So small worlds this week. I read a great article in the Wichita Eagle about selective mutism. I thought the woman looked familiar, and sure enough, it's Jeanette (Maria's friend). She was a big help as I have a patient with this condition and that mom needs some help.
Then I was talking to Jill tonight. Her friend, Betsy, (The Bets Week Ever) is coming to town and staying with her aunt and I start putting it together and she's first cousins with a high school girlfriend of mine. Amazing.
Speaking of amazing, check out Amy's blog (Family Wire). Her daughter had a kidney ultrasound today and they found TWO kidneys. That is wonderful news!!
I'm off to read a new scrapbook magazine I got tonight.
What a SMALL world! How exciting! I can't wait to share the good news with both Caroline and Susan!
P.S. I had a student 3 years ago with selective mutism. I'd love to hear more about it from you!
Lauryn needs to expand her horizons!
Glad I could help and glad you called me!! I will be emailing her tomorrow about something else new I learned today! I'm excited to "meet" & talk to someone close with a child with selective mutism!
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