Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Body Invaders

So I had some good posting to do this week, but unfortunately I've been invaded. At first I thought it was influenza. Although she's not nice, fluen is easy to get over. But progressively my throat was hurting more and I couldn't eat much. Ibuprofen wasn't working. So I took the afternoon off (since I was soooo exhausted) and saw the doctor. She nicely told me that I had a body invader. His name is Streptococcus. Streppy is NOT nice. He left pus in my throat and gave me the aches. But a few hours after the antibiotics and steriods (yeah, 'roids) kicked in, I'm feeling a little better. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

I hate body invaders. I did not invite and they need to go away...quickly. At least it was mono. God knows, I don't have time for mono.

1 comment:

chitknit said...

Wow! Yikes. I'm sorry to hear that. We ARE going to be in town this weekend - let me know if I can run an errand or something for you!

It might provide a nice break from cleaning up the house!