Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekly Chase: Oct. 26th- Nov. 1

 This week was a good one.  I am feeling stronger with my running.  I also feel so much better since my cold is gone.

1) Run. Yes!  I had a great 8.5 mile run Sunday. L

2) Stretch and ice.Yes! And guess what? My foot pain is gone with daily icing and stretching.  Yea!!

3) Carb cycling.Yes! I started this on Wednesday and in 5 short days, I feel good.  Nutritious food makes me feel so much better.

4) Read.Yes! I am 2/3 way through ' In an Unlikely Event' by Judy Blume.  It's a good book but there are too many characters and it's really long (400 pages).

5) Halloween. I need to help L finish her costume and plan out the school party I'm in charge of. Sort of.  L's Halloween costume is done. I haven't done a lot on the party. 

This week's goals:

1) Continue running.  I want to continue my running streak.

2) Stretch and ice: one week of this and I feel so much better so I am keeping this up!

3) Read: I want to finish my current book and one exciting book on the horizon.

4) Prep for Halloween party: on Friday, L has a party that I am in charge of (oh why did I sign up to be PTA mom?!)

5) Do one thing a day that I'm dreading.  My Passion planner says "get the worst task done by 9 am".  That won't likely happen since that's when my day starts, but I will tackle a "grown up" job each day.

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