Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Weekly Chase: Oct 6th Edition

So at least this post is only a day behind :).  Sigh-the weekend was so busy and will continue to be busy this week. 

1. Keep running!Yes!!  I am through day 134.  I even ran 5 miles on Sat.

2. Stretch every day and ice five times in the week: NO! In fact, I didn't ice at all and stretched very little and my body is pretty pi$$#! at me. 

3. Continue my daily to do lists:Yes! And this has saved me from going crazy.

4. Minimize social media:I think so.  Sometimes it's hard to tell because I don't keep track.

5. Continue Carb Cycling:Yes.  It was a high carb week all week (so more fruits and snacks!)

Here's this week's goals:

1. Continue running!

2. Stretch every day and start icing. I have done this for the past two days and am already seeing a difference.

3. Continue my daily to do lists

4. Pack for my trip.  I'm going to DC for a conference

5. Learn new things at conference to take back to our practice. 

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