Friday, April 15, 2016

Fitness Friday 4/15/16

I'm back!! Sorry-it's been a crazy couple weeks.  I've been running daily, just didn't blog it last week.

Friday: one mile on the 'mil.  10 minute mile.

Saturday: Deena and I logged 10 miles.  Both of our watches goofed up so we KNOW we ran this much. We had a wonderful run.
Sunday: one quick mile before I spent the day at L's dance competition. 10:26

Monday: It was sprinkling and I slept through my alarm for Shock Fit. I had a wonderful run. 10:17

Tuesday: one mile on the mil.  10 minute mile.

Wednesday: we ran a nice mile in 10:05 and then Shock Fit.

Thursday: great morning to be outside!  Mile: 10:47


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