Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am sore.

I woke up at 5:11 am today (yea for me) and made it out to WSU this morning. I was a little sore after Monday's workout but not too bad. And I'm not sore today, but I am exhausted. 3 miles of running and walking and getting up early has left me ready for bed.

I didn't mention my goals for doing the fitness regimen. First of all, I want to get toned again. I was there last year and loved it. Then I got lazy and didn't go for 4 months to the gym and lost all my toned muscle. I want to be more fit and one of the exercises we do is climb the stairs and I want to make it all the way to the top. Finally, I am going to run the Turkey Trot (10 miles) in November and I need this to help me get into shape.

I'll be glad when Friday's over so I can rest for a couple days. And even though I think that now, I'm looking forward to Friday's workout.

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