Monday, May 23, 2016

Weekly Chase: Week 20

This weekend was packed! Saturday I packed it in with a long run, haircut and Beerfest.  I have been sleep depriving myself so I fell asleep at 8:30 PM on Saturday!  Sunday, I spent the morning relaxing, prepping for the week.  We went to one of Jeff's kids graduation parties and spent the evening with the Konda's.

It's officially summer for L! Yes!!

On to the Weekly Chase! Here's a recap:

1. Run a mile a day:Yes!!  I finished Day 365!!

2. Stretch and ice daily: Yes!! Every single day. 

3. Say Grace:Yes! 

4. Read or meditate daily:Yes!

5. Log my calories daily: 100% of the time

6. Finish a book:Yes.  I finished 'Gratitude' and '80/20 Running'

 7.Get my year end gifts: Yes!  I went for simple-gift cards and cards :)

 8. Make a list of things to bring camping. No.  I really need to work on this

Here are my goals this week!

1. Run a mile a day
2. Stretch and ice daily

3. Say Grace
4. Read or meditate daily
5. Log my calories daily

My Extra goals:
Finish a book.
Pack for camping: I have to get this done!
Journal every day

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