Sometimes in my goal to "plan" this year, I have to plan some self care time. And that means something goes-this week it was my blog. I didn't mean to neglect you, but I was flying by the seat of my pants. I did however, keep the house pretty clean so that was a victory to me!
Here's a quick recap: L had school all week. She worked out some differences with friends and a teacher. She went to her first school dance on Friday and had a great time!. She danced her heart out today at the Children's Festival despite having caught a cold.
Jeff started back at BCC for two classes this spring (teaching). New spring goals for his HS kids are keeping him busy. And he also caught the cold.
I had a super busy week at work. I felt like a firefighter. Not my favorite way to spend the week. I got in some great runs this week and finally decided my running issues had nothing to do with my body. The voices in my head had to go-so I told them to take a hike. And I ran 6 solid miles on Saturday! I caught a version of the cold-scratchy throat and general fatigue. Ugh. On the up side, I bought my first pair of Lularoe leggings-Valentine. They are so cute!!!
Onto the weekly chase. Here's a recap of what should have been seen last week.
1. Run every day-YEP!
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times a week- most days
3. Read 10 pages every day-Yes
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray- Yes
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully-Yes
6. Blog three times this week-Yes-I actually got in four!
7. Get packed. I'm going to Vegas Friday/Saturday for a work thing-Yes. Although I almost didn't make it. We had mechanical problems in Wichita and I missed my connections, but the travel agent figured it out.
Here are my goals next week:
1. Run every day
2. Stretch, foam roll OR ice every day
3. Log my calories
4. Pray daily
5. Read 10 pages a day
6. Journal daily
7. Get ready for scrapbooking at Linda's
8. Clean scrapbook room
Monday, January 30, 2017
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Caturday Edition: The Treat Face
So AJ has been working hard at her "please give me treats" face. I will walk in the house to see her on the stairs with her head cocked to the side.
After the dogs are let outside, I get this:
"Oh momma. I LUV you!!! And I'm super hungry for a treat. See they are right there".
And the "oh I really LUV you. And I NEED treats now please!" Look. It's been working well for her.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Fitness Friday: 1/20/17
Well we may have sworn a new president in today but I'm still up to the same old. Running everywhere, trying to stay sane and keep it all together.

This week included a trip to the eye doctor (who tells me my eyes are getting old and I need readers) , a stressful transfer to get a patient to Memphis and delayed planes. I'm headed to Vegas to present. But I'll get there anyway (hopefully) but it will be super late!
On with the show: today I ran day 607. I felt good this week even though I was sore from bootcamp.
First of all-I hit day 600 last Friday! The pups joined in on my mile.
Sat: another mile. I thought it may have iced and I didn't have time to figure it out that it didn't.
Sun: I got out and ran outside. It was misting but nice.
Monday: bootcamp and a mile
Tuesday: slept in and ran by myself
Wednesday: bootcamp and a mile
Thursday: speedwork with a little tempo running. It was good to get out for awhile.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Thankful Thursday
Today marks one month since my grandpa passed away. It's taken me this long to write this post. While he had health challenges the last couple years and specifically the last couple months, he was overall really healthy for a 92 year old man.
Grandpa was awesome. He was genuine. He always wanted to know what I was doing and how work was going. He was always there when you needed help or direction. He was so funny! He was a great prankster and laughed just as hard when he got pranked.
I'm going to miss him a lot. His smile, laugh and chatter. I'll never forget the last time I saw him. I went to visit a week before he died. He found out he could have a milkshake so I went to Sonic to get his favorite "strawberry shake". He must have kissed my grandma at least a dozen times while I was there. He was so sweet.
I am so thankful I knew him for 42 years. I'm glad he's not in pain any more. And I know he's with God and all of his siblings probably playing golf, drinking beer and having a good laugh.
Love you grandpa!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
What's Up Wednesday: A Clean Start
This may not look like much but it means a lot to me. When L was born, I needed organization in my life. I found a great blog called Fly Lady. She has lots of good techniques to keep your house clean and decluttered. The first step: a clean sink.
It's a process. Fill the sink to the rim, add bleach. Let it sit an hour. Drain water. Rinse well. Use a SOS pad to get it to shine, rinse and dry.
When you get done, it looks beautiful! And you make sure at the end of the day, the dishes are in the washer and the sink is rinsed and dried. It's a small achievement which leads me to want to plan and clean other areas of the house.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Weekly Chase: week 3 of 2017 word of the year "plan" is going slowly. I want it all done ASAP but it's taking time. Last week, I made a goal (which I didn't post) to keep the house and dishes kept up all week and I did accomplish that. But then I didn't blog. I'm trying to catch back up. This weekend we stayed in. It rained all weekend. They thought it would ice, but only the trees got a little ice. I cleaned house and read A LOT.
Onto the weekly chase!
1. Run every day: yes!! I completed day 604 today!!
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times a week: um...did it some, but didn't keep track
3. Read 10 pages every day: yes! I am almost done with "The Residence". It's super good. It's about the staff that works at the White House.
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray: yes. I prayed a lot. It was a stressful week.
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully: most days.
6. Clean my scrapbook room. No. I just didn't feel like cleaning that much.
7. Work on budget goals. No
This week's goals:
This week's goals:
1. Run every day
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times a week
3. Read 10 pages every day
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully
6. Blog three times this week
7. Get packed. I'm going to Vegas Friday/Saturday for a work thing.
Onto the weekly chase!
1. Run every day: yes!! I completed day 604 today!!
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times a week: um...did it some, but didn't keep track
3. Read 10 pages every day: yes! I am almost done with "The Residence". It's super good. It's about the staff that works at the White House.
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray: yes. I prayed a lot. It was a stressful week.
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully: most days.
6. Clean my scrapbook room. No. I just didn't feel like cleaning that much.
7. Work on budget goals. No
This week's goals:
This week's goals:
1. Run every day
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times a week
3. Read 10 pages every day
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully
6. Blog three times this week
7. Get packed. I'm going to Vegas Friday/Saturday for a work thing.
Gotcha Day
Sorry for the delay in this post. On Friday, January 13, it was AJ's first Gotcha Day! We were super busy that day so we didn't officially do much except tell AJ how much we love her!!
Her first day with us:
She was so little!!
And now:
She had been a delight to have this year. She is so friendly, lovey and just a joy. I sure miss Reggie but she has been a wonderful addition to our family!
Monday, January 9, 2017
Weekly Chase: Week 2 2017
This week went by quickly. It always takes me a few days to catch up at work but I got it done. I'm still not into figuring out a time to prep myself for each day so that will be a goal for this week. This weekend I got a 6 mile long run in, cleaned the entire house and watched football. It was so nice to wake up Sunday and not have to clean!
Onto the weekly chase!
1. Run every day: Yes! 595 days!
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times in the week: Stretched 6 days, foam rolled 5 days and iced 2 days. It's hard to ice when it's so cold out!
3. Log my calories and eat mindfully: 50%. I really need to get back on the wagon!
4. Read 10 pages every day:Yes. And I finished a book.
5. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray: No. While I pray every day, I can't say I dedicated time to do this.
This week's specific goals:
6. Take down Christmas stuff: Yes!
7. Start working on my budget goals: No. I'll be keeping this as a goal this week.
This week's goals:
1. Run every day
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times a week
3. Read 10 pages every day
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully
6. Clean my scrapbook room. My treadmill is in there and I realized today it turned into the dump everything in this room. Gotta clear it out!
7. Work on budget goals
Onto the weekly chase!
1. Run every day: Yes! 595 days!
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times in the week: Stretched 6 days, foam rolled 5 days and iced 2 days. It's hard to ice when it's so cold out!
3. Log my calories and eat mindfully: 50%. I really need to get back on the wagon!
4. Read 10 pages every day:Yes. And I finished a book.
5. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray: No. While I pray every day, I can't say I dedicated time to do this.
This week's specific goals:
6. Take down Christmas stuff: Yes!
7. Start working on my budget goals: No. I'll be keeping this as a goal this week.
This week's goals:
1. Run every day
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times a week
3. Read 10 pages every day
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully
6. Clean my scrapbook room. My treadmill is in there and I realized today it turned into the dump everything in this room. Gotta clear it out!
7. Work on budget goals
Saturday, January 7, 2017
It's Caturday!!
AJ is alive and mischievous! She can go from cute:
To naughty in less than a minute:
Fitness Friday: Jan 6 Edition
Yes, I know I'm late. This week has been busy and I've not done well planning. So here's from Jan 1-Jan 5. Don't worry my run streak has continued. Today was 594
Monday, January 2, 2017
Weekly Chase: Week 1 of 2017
Here I am back on the wagon! Christmas vacation has been long. Good and bad long. I'm kind of ready to get back in routine. I'll discuss more later, but my grandpa passed away on December 19 so the holiday was definitely different.
I got to see my parents for a few days and we watched Moana (it was good!) and got a well needed (and deserved) pedicure.
One of my general goals is to have theme posts. I'm laying them out so I don't forget.
Monday: Weekly Chase
Wednesday: What's Up Wednesday. Highlighting something/one
Friday: Fitness Friday
Saturday: Caturday
Here are my goals for 2017:
1. Run every day: I finished 589 this morning.
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times in the week
3. Log my calories and eat mindfully
4. Read 10 pages every day
5. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray
This week's specific goals:
6. Take down Christmas stuff
7. Start working on my budget goals
I got to see my parents for a few days and we watched Moana (it was good!) and got a well needed (and deserved) pedicure.
One of my general goals is to have theme posts. I'm laying them out so I don't forget.
Monday: Weekly Chase
Wednesday: What's Up Wednesday. Highlighting something/one
Friday: Fitness Friday
Saturday: Caturday
Here are my goals for 2017:
1. Run every day: I finished 589 this morning.
2. Stretch daily. Foam roll and ice 5 times in the week
3. Log my calories and eat mindfully
4. Read 10 pages every day
5. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray
This week's specific goals:
6. Take down Christmas stuff
7. Start working on my budget goals
My Word for 2017
As I do in every year, I thought about my one word the last couple weeks in December. Mostly because I knew Linda would ask me what my word was.
I reflected on 2016's word: gratitude. I feel I have done fairly well at accomplishing this. I am grateful for the ability to run every day. I have a nice house with heat and air conditioning, a dependable car to drive every day and people who love me (and I love them in return). I don't worry about not eating. I am a lucky, grateful lady.
So this year's work is PLAN. Now many people say, you're a planner. Why do you need this word? Well, I am a planner. I like things laid out well. Unfortunately, life is so busy, that I've gotten away from planning and end up scrambling at the end. This makes my anxiety worse. And there are many things I procrastinate on which leaves me in a lurch. Just addressing and planning these things out will help me accomplish more.
Planning helps us be more productive people. I don't want every single second planned out, but I do want to have daily goals. I want to have a rainy day fund which means I need to plan my finances out better. I want to lose weight, which means I need to plan my meals out so I choose healthy foods. I want to remember birthdays and events in advance so those people know how special I am to them.
So there's my word. I also made a Motto: Attitude and Effort. 100% attitude and effort will help me reach my goals!
I reflected on 2016's word: gratitude. I feel I have done fairly well at accomplishing this. I am grateful for the ability to run every day. I have a nice house with heat and air conditioning, a dependable car to drive every day and people who love me (and I love them in return). I don't worry about not eating. I am a lucky, grateful lady.
So this year's work is PLAN. Now many people say, you're a planner. Why do you need this word? Well, I am a planner. I like things laid out well. Unfortunately, life is so busy, that I've gotten away from planning and end up scrambling at the end. This makes my anxiety worse. And there are many things I procrastinate on which leaves me in a lurch. Just addressing and planning these things out will help me accomplish more.
Planning helps us be more productive people. I don't want every single second planned out, but I do want to have daily goals. I want to have a rainy day fund which means I need to plan my finances out better. I want to lose weight, which means I need to plan my meals out so I choose healthy foods. I want to remember birthdays and events in advance so those people know how special I am to them.
So there's my word. I also made a Motto: Attitude and Effort. 100% attitude and effort will help me reach my goals!
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