Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Weekly Chase: week 3 of 2017

Ugh...my word of the year "plan" is going slowly.  I want it all done ASAP but it's taking time.  Last week, I made a goal (which I didn't post) to keep the house and dishes kept up all week and I did accomplish that.  But then I didn't blog.  I'm trying to catch back up.  This weekend we stayed in.  It rained all weekend.  They thought it would ice, but only the trees got a little ice.  I cleaned house and read A LOT.

Onto the weekly chase!

1. Run every day: yes!! I completed day 604 today!!
2. Stretch daily.  Foam roll and ice 5 times a week: um...did it some, but didn't keep track
3. Read 10 pages every day: yes!  I am almost done with "The Residence".  It's super good.  It's about the staff that works at the White House.
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray: yes.  I prayed a lot.  It was a stressful week.
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully: most days. 

6. Clean my scrapbook room.  No.  I just didn't feel like cleaning that much.

7. Work on budget goals.  No

This week's goals:

This week's goals:

1. Run every day
2. Stretch daily.  Foam roll and ice 5 times a week
3. Read 10 pages every day
4. Take 2 minutes a day to meditate/pray
5. Log my calories and eat mindfully

6. Blog three times this week
7. Get packed.  I'm going to Vegas Friday/Saturday for a work thing. 

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