Monday, May 4, 2020

Chicago Marathon 2019

I’m FINALLY getting around to posting about my sixth marathon. This time, I ran Chicago. This was my first time running Chicago and the first time I ran a marathon where everyone ran a marathon. Most of the time, it’s linked with a half marathon. So it was different when everyone ran the full. 

We left Thursday before the marathon

Our flight was delayed due to weather but we still made it! 

The airport lit up at night! 

On a Friday, we headed to the expo. It was huge!!! And there were so many people.  But it was lots of fun! We shopped a lot! 

Saturday, I ran a 5k which I have recapped earlier. 

Sunday, we got up and took an Uber down to our walk in area. It took a bit to get through things, but we finally got through.  I was on the Molex running team so we got a covered tent which had places to store our things, change, food and drinks and a massage area. It was wonderful! 

The race.  I had mentally chunked the race into sections. This helps me not get so overwhelmed when thinking about 26 miles of running. The Chicago marathon is so different because the whole city shuts down to come watch. I think there might have been 5 blocks in the entire 26 miles where there were not people. It was freaking amazing! The weather was gorgeous. At mile 8, biofreeze had a cheering screen. Here was mine! 

This race was so much fun! In the entire 26.2 miles, I didn’t feel like quitting. It was so enjoyable. Molex fed us after the race which was delightful! 

We had supper a few hours later, got some sleep and headed home on Monday. It was a great trip! Lots of good memories were made. 6:21: 40 was my unofficial time. 

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