Monday, November 2, 2015

Weekly Chase: November 2-November 8

Today is my 41st birthday!!!!  I started if off with a great run and workout.  I have a full patient load.  I can't wait to go out to eat tonight!

Here's my recap from last week:

1) Continue running. Yes!  I finished the week with a 10 mile run for day 161!

2) Stretch and ice: Yes!  I am pain free.  I am such a happy girl!
3) Read:Yes! I finished three books this week!

4) Prep for Halloween party:Yes! I think it went well.  The kids seemed to have fun. 

5) Do one thing a day that I'm dreading. Most days.  

Here's this week's goals:

1) Continue my running streak

2) Continue to stretch and ice daily.  This has made a world of difference

3) Eat nutritious food and keep logging my calories

4) Work on being mindful

5) Say grace before meals

6) Read

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