Friday, December 18, 2015

Fitness Friday: December 18th!

It's been a busy busy week!  I started last weekend off by joining my running friends at Yia Yia's and then we went on a limo ride and looked for Christmas lights.  It took us an hour before we actually saw some!!  We had the best time-lots of laughing and carrying on!!

Saturday: after a late night, we got up early and ran the Santa 5K!  It was 48F and no wind.  All in all, it was a good run!

Sunday: dreary rain kept me inside so it was a quick mile on the treadmill.

Monday: I was tired so I ended up sleeping in and ran a quick mile on the mill.

Tuesday: Out in the cold for a good run and walk and lots of chatter!

Wednesday: It's been cold here so we ran inside Koch Arena and then went to Shocker Fitness and Extreme.

Thursday: outside again.  29F but no wind.  Unfortunately, I bit the curb and torn my nice long pants.  I'm hoping my mom or grandma can mend them next week!

Friday: inside Koch, Shocker Fitness and lots of shenanigans going on. 

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