Tuesday, September 8, 2015

100 Days of Running

On September 1st, I officially ran 100 days in a row.  100 miles.  I am impressed with myself.  I have run 7 (I think) half marathons, 3 full marathons, but running a mile 100 days in a row seems even better than the marathons.  We all know I'm not the most consistent person around (hence, I have started and restarted a diet more times than I can count).  Let's start with statistics:

1. Day 1: mile clocked in at 12:50.
2. Day 100: mile clocked in 10:10.
3. PR mile was 8/1/15 at 8:58
4. Ran my best 5K in awhile on July 4th at 29:52 and turned around the next week and ran a 68 minute 10 K.  While neither were PRs, they are much better times than before.

So what have I learned?

1.Having a daily goal makes my fitness level better.  If I have to get up and run a mile, I might as well go to Shocker Fitness or run on campus.

2. Running with friends makes this goal achievable.  Some days I don't want to run but I know they will be there so my butt better get out of bed.   They make me push harder.  My times are often better when we are together than when I run by myself.

3. It's good to go to bed early.  I have to get my mile done in the morning.  I don't want to think about it all day and I don't want to have to plan when it's going to get done.

4. I love running outside and without music.  I like listening to the world around me.

What's next?
Well, I'm going to continue my run streak.  I have no specific end.  As long as I'm healthy and not injured, I'm running.  I have a treadmill for the really icky days.  I'm also going to work on my nutrition.  I need to get a handle on my sugar addiction :).

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