Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fitness Friday: Sept 11

Fitness Friday is rolling out a couple days late. Whoops! Friday at work so so busy I didn't have time to write it and then we watched South High win another football game!
Saturday: Tami and I ran a mile (10:08) and walked for a while.

Sunday: I had a 4-5 miler on schedule and did 5. It was warm so I ended up walking a bit. Mile was 9:56.

Monday: Labor Day! I got to sleep in a bit and went to Shocker Fitness at 7. Mile was 9:36.

Tuesday: woke up to rain and lightening. Slept in longer and then ran with the sprinkles (10:38). It was nice!

Wednesday: back to Shocker Fitness ( 9:57). Kerry didn't run with us but she loves to photo bomb us.

Thursday: we had a big crowd for our campus run. Mile 10:34.

Friday: cooler weather! Mile was 9:57. Shocker fit and extreme competed my workout.


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