Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Marker Monster

One night last week, L came out from her room and hour after she was supposed to have been asleep. She says, "mommy something's wrong." And here she was, all marked up. I gasped! She was covered in marker. She had taken the washable markers and drawn all over herself. And did I mention all over herself???? Her feet were covered in purple, mouth green, and orange in so many places. I (calmly, not) asked her, "did you mark in your books?" And the reply? "Of course not." Like that was the dumbest thing I've ever said...who would draw in the library books. At least I taught her something.
The guilty face. No need to say "not me". No one but the marker monster to blame it on.


Bets said...

Don't you know that she gets this from you, Crafty Momma? I guess we should be happy that she didn't use all your fancy scrapping markers! Aren't those permanent? ;)

Nicki said...

HA HA...that is so funny. At least they weren't permanent markers!

Maria said...

It was bound to happen sooner or later! We've all had this milestone as parents. At least they were washable markers...