Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Mermaid Halloween

L's grandma Linda made her a costume again. This year, L and I went to Hobby Lobby in August and looked through the pattern books. L decided she wanted to be a mermaid. And she was a beautiful mermaid.
She enjoyed a pre-trick or treating snack of Skittles. She and daddy went out for about an hour. L said she had a great time.

Full view of the tail is seen in the picture above. She said she was the prettiest mermaid ever.
The night was great. The weather couldn't have been nicer. We went trick or treating in T's neighborhood, then went to see Terri and Ave. We finished off the evening at Kay and Peter's. We were all exhausted by the time we got home.

1 comment:

Bets said...

GREAT costume! She makes a great mermaid.
I love it! I hope she continues to be appropriately dressed for her age at Halloween. You should see the store-bought "costumes" that our girls come to school in. I hardly think they can be called costumes because as much of their skin is showing as some lovely ladies that work late at night around poles.